We took an early morning stroll together this morning, and hit a yard sale in the neighborhood. Mama was good and came home with nothing. Kids came home with video games, barbie and a hess truck. Good little finds for them.
Proverbs 31:20 says " She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Below is a pic of our needy friends who came in our backyard while we were sitting on the back deck just chatting away.

We tossed them some cornbread and watched them feast. We called them Romeo and Juliet, cause we always see them together in the neighborhood on others peoples lawns and such. It was a nice surprise to see them in our yard.
Both boys have games tonight. Big Daddy and my oldest dd won't be home tonight, they are doing a missions day tomorrow for Church. So this Mama will be busy for the rest of the night.
the laundry line is so beautiful!!! that is one thing I dont have. You should blow up the pictures and frame them!
I'm so proud of your self control!! Love ya' sister. I'm with A - I want your laundry line. Fresh sheets are the BEST!!