Every May we celebrate what we call a Stepping Up. Each child in our homeschool support group is recognized for completing another year of school, and they are able to showcase thier talents in one wonderful evening.
I love this event. Although the amount of work that goes into it, I could pass on. It's like planning a wedding every year. :)
This year was special three great boys we know graduated high school. Both these moms have served as mentors to me, in my homeschooling ventures as well as other areas of my life. They are some special ladies, I gotta tell ya! ;)
It is evident in their children how Christ is exemplified in their lives!
I so love appreciate and love them! I am so thankful to God for my friends that he has brought into my life. Proverbs says " A friend loves at all time" and I'm lucky enough to have some gal pals that truly do love me. (and if they don't they do a good job and making me think they do ;P ) insert my usual wit. But I digress, I'm richly blessed in this area.
We started our Stepping Up day in the Emmons house at about 5am, Mama couldn't catch anymore zzzz's, as I had too much on the mind.
Grandpa was here he stayed in the camper the previous night and brought us bagels in the morning. Gosh how I love when someone else does anything for me! What a blessing!!! And one LESS of a thing I had to do that day.
I got every one's clothes ready for that evening, as this was a "black and white" event. Ran errands of bank, Costco, and storage unit. Came home and loaded all the equipment we would need for the evening as well as our bags, stroller, drinks, shoes, you name it we stuffed it in our suburban. I should have taken a picture of that!!! I barely fit the kids in by the time we were done. And off to Ocean Grove we headed.
The hall came out soooooooooo beautifully, thanks to the ones mentioned above. I do get a little green eyed with their talents, as this mama severely lacks in the creativity department.
For the first time ever the kids Grandpa got to see what it is a homeschool family does. (more on Grandpa at a later date)
He thoroughly enjoyed the evening and was thrilled with all the accomplishments, and talent he saw that evening as well as God's love that was soooo evident.
I'm so thankful for the oppertunity to homeschool my children, it seems as each May comes and goes I get rejuiventated again. Oh, yes this is why I homeschool~
Thank You Lord!!!!
My dh worked his tail off that evening, I'm grateful for his commitment to his family.
My dd sang so beautifully (even tho she doesn't think so). I'm so pleased with her resolve and with how much she loves the Lord. And I'm soo impressed that she has equal counterparts in this journey. We are blessed to know many young adults who are trying to live for the Lord. Really trying. Holding eachother accountable, encouraging eachother in righteousness, loving eachother in the Lord.
All the kids had a great time. It was as always a memorable event.
Praise be to God and it's for his glory that I continue on the adventure of homeschooling. It's been 11 years so far and I have at least 18 more to go. :)
Photos in next post.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Thank you for your words. You dont know how much I needed to hear them this particular morning. I love ya sister! Your life inspires me to be all the the Lord wants me to be - I know my friends will always be there encoraging me to walk the walk and talk the talk.