One of my bestest buddies, Shanna and that's little Caleb I was there when she homebirthed him a little over a year ago!!
More junk!!
Anna chillaxin by Grandma's stand!!

A larger view of it all!!! All those clothes are mine!! I have to be rid of them very soon. I hang on to stuff wwwwaaaayyyyy toooooo loooonnngggg!!!!!
It was a fun couple of day, believe it or not depending on which friends stopped by to see us we had as many as 30 kids there at some point. With me, Shanna and Kim there was at minimum 13 kids present.

A larger view of it all!!! All those clothes are mine!! I have to be rid of them very soon. I hang on to stuff wwwwaaaayyyyy toooooo loooonnngggg!!!!!

Shanna has been blessed with a bigger home and a 1/2 acre of property, sooo really we didn't see the kids much. Shanna mil was there, and she made pb&js for lunch for all the kiddos and even had them in the yard exercising!!
The funny thing is Shanna's mil, my mom, and a close friend of Shanna's mil, had all worked together in Nursing for about 20 years. So they had a great time of catching up with each other and reminiscing of the past.
As far as money goes my mom made the most!!! I made $116.00! And the rest of the girls made a little over $100. a pieces as well I think. So it wasn't a huge money maker but we had a great time and a ton of fun!
That was a lot of crap to get rid of lady. You need to do more spring cleaning more than once a century. lol.